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✔ How to Give Effective Feedback
✔ Life Coaching: 10 useful tips to improve your Self-Esteem
✔ Coaching for Responsibility and Personal Change
✔ Concentration and Sport Coaching
✔ Coaching and Intrinsic Motivation
✔ Sport Coaching and Self-Efficacy
✔ An exercise to learn how to Meditate!
✔ Life Coaching: Self-Awareness, an exercise to start
✔ Inner Game, Coaching and Timothy Gallwey
✔ How to choose a Coaching School: 10 Super-Tips!
✔ How to make money with Coaching?
✔ Coaching and Mentoring - Decide if you can
✔ Love and Possessiveness - A doubt that undermines happiness
✔ Life Coaching: How to overcome the fear of loving and being loved
Prometeo Coaching Team consists of Professors, Trainers, Psychologists, Consultants, Counselors and Athletes: they are all Professional Coaches. The customizable and flexible nature of the relationships with our Customers and our high quality Training Courses, imposes partnerships with different and specific professionals. Our staff has been built by identifying a specific potentiality in every trainer, a unique characteristic to create a unite group in the name of excellence! Therefore, Prometeo Coaching group’s main goal is excellence, in contents, interpersonal relationships quality and concrete results we want to offer to our Customers.
Angelo Bonacci – CEO and founder of Prometeo Coaching Society. He is considered a veteran of Italian Coaching. He has been a teacher and a lecturer in communication, motivation, leadership and self-efficacy seminars for over fifteen years. Author of Migliora la tua Vita! Manuale di Self Coaching (FrancoAngeli ed.). He is the inventor of the O.P.E.R.A. ® methodology (a Coaching method that allows the achievement of challenging goals, the acquisition of greater emotional awareness, the enhancement of relationships quality and the improvement of self-efficacy). He is the Education Manager of the Coaching School. He started his professional training attaining a Life & Business Coaching certification and, thanks to this experience, he dedicated himself for several years to research and to the study of Coaching for performance improvement. Over years, he has elaborated themes that belong to positive psychology, gestalt psychology, counseling and NLP, by attending the best courses with the best national and international trainers. In the last few years, he has paid attention to the international training by attending courses, seminars and conferences all around the world. He regularly writes important articles about Coaching for the press and magazines. He has spent hundreds of days in classes over the last fifteen years, training thousands of people, entrepreneurs, leaders, managers and sellers. He is currently active as a Personal Coach for managers, entrepreneurs, professional athletes, politicians and show business figures, who wish to give their best, discover and train potentialities, improve performances and achieve challenging goals. He works in the main Italian and multinational corporations dealing with Coaching, Leadership and Human Resource Management.
Mail: angelobonacci[at]
Website Twitter Facebook Book and Ebook
Nicoletta Caputo – She is one of the co-founders of Prometeo Coaching. She has worked for several years for an important Business Consulting Society, dealing with Marketing and Communication. She works in Prometeo Coaching as a Consultant for economic restructuring and reassessment in small and medium-sized businesses. After the attainment of a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner diploma, she attained the Professional Coach certification and a qualification in Business & Corporate Coaching. Personal Growth and Development enthusiast, over the last years she has improved her training through Seminars and Workshops about Business Coaching, Efficient Communication, Transactional Analysis, Self-esteem and Emotional Intelligence. She works as a Professional Coach in important companies, dealing with Business Coaching, Leadership, Time Management and Public Speaking. She is the Operational Manager of the Coaching School, where she also works as a Tutor for Coaching-Students.
Mail: nicolettacaputo[at]
Website Twitter
Federica Palumbo – Professional Coach, Trainer and Tutor. Graduate in Law, she has worked for several years as the Marketing Manager in an important Health Company. She boasts a deep experience in marketing and communication; she has promoted and personally taken care of the stipulation of agreements and conventions at a national level with public authorities, big companies and trade associations. Over years, she has gained great experience in HR management by guiding and coordinating working groups to important goals of team growth and development. She is a specialist in self-esteem, communication and efficient relationships, sales techniques, motivation, team building and outdoor training. She has always been a Training and Personal Growth enthusiast, and currently manages the Prometeo Coaching Network®. She firmly believes in human potential development and she is convinced that Coaching and the most innovative personal development methodologies are essential tools for everyone’s happiness. Her biggest passion is helping people and working groups express their talent, train potentialities, establish challenging goals, have excellent performances and achieve concrete results in both private and professional life.
– Contacts:
Mail: federicapalumbo[at]
Website Twitter
Luca Carchesio – Professional Coach, Trainer and Tutor of the International Coaching Program. Web & Graphic designer, SEO expert and marketer for over twenty years. He has personally designed, managed and handled several communication campaigns for prestigious national and international brands, working as a designer, web-Coach and Consultant. He began operating in the digital world even before the advent of the Internet, by starting his professional career in graphic development of corporate and brand identity. He started designing websites using flash technology, action script, html, css and javascript during the first years of world wide web establishment. He has worked and collaborated with important American and British multinationals, where he was able to broaden his knowledge about Google softwares for Webmasters, Adwords and Developer. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop expert, he was one of the firsts who tested and applied SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in Italy. He mainly deals with training, inspired by the desire to share and teach his technical and methodological knowledges. Front-end code, design and interior design, technology for innovation (google glass, oculus, augmented reality) enthusiast. He is in love with nature, sea and sports.
Alessia Orsini. Attending the Workshop about Coaching helped me be more aware of various aspects of my life and made me understand where I needed to take actions. For the first time, I set my goals down in black and white, together with all the strategies to achieve them. It was an emotional and inspiring course. Thanks, Angelo!
Carlo Romanelli. I started attending Prometeo Coaching courses some months ago, with some doubts in mind but with a lot of excitement. What I learned and all the experience made me find out what career I wanted to undertake: becoming a Professional Coach. During these months, thanks to training, I’ve achieved some successes I hope to boost and repeat. I want to go on, respect my commitment and keep faith with what I decided while working with Angelo.
Renzo Antonucci. A very exciting and positive experience. It helped me fulfill my approach with customers in my work and give the best of my abilities and possibilities. I will attend other courses for sure!
Linda Stevanin. Working with Prometeo Coaching staff was awesome! I’ve spent intense months of work and preparation, but really pleasing at the same time. I discovered my potentialities and established my professional goals. Nowadays, I’m moving my first steps into the world of Life Coaching and feeling very satisfied.
Carlo Alberto Masella. I’ve been a Business Consultant for over 15 years and I have to admit that Coaching has been a pleasant discover. I’ ve found a prepared staff, helpful and friendly. I definitely enhanced my professionalism as a Business Consultant.
Monica Mazzione. Coaching School is inspiring: I found out my potentialities. At the end of my course, I also took away many personal advantages, such as greater certainty and self-confidence. I worked with positive people and understood what optimism is.
Paolo D’amico. I’ve always been a seller in my life, but I must admit that Angelo helped me reorganize and rebuild my way of working; I used to do it in chaos! Thanks to his teachings, I’m now able to maximize my work. I enhanced my operative skills and understood the best path to take for my future thanks to Prometeo Coaching.
Stefania Pacini. Training is fundamental for me. The class with Angelo and his staff was inspiring and motivating. I found many cues to work on my growth through new contents and the exchange with the other participants. I appreciated the way subjects were handled, with preparation and professionalism. Congratulations!
Ilaria Bagni. Participating to Prometeo Coaching seminars is an important opportunity. I had the chance to meditate and better discover myself by improving both my personal and professional relationships.
Michele di Maio. I’m only 20. I’m a student and a new entrepreneur. I drew new motivations and great inspirations from Prometeo Coaching courses to carry on my project of professional development.
Leonardo D’ambrosio. Taking part of Prometeo Coaching seminar was very interesting. I learned that everything starts from being relaxed and from mutual listening; I feel motivated to start a training path based on effective communication. Tanks to all the staff, I feel satisfied and more aware of my potentialities today.
Alessia Bisantis. Participating to this training day with Prometeo Coaching staff was particularly interesting. I was warmly welcomed into a positive, optimist and chilling environment. I already knew the lecturers and I definitely confirm my previous opinion.
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Servizi Professionali Certificati - Certified Professional Services - Prometeo Coaching provides Certified Coaching Projects and Services compliant with the UNI 11601:2024 Technical Standard (Certificate of Conformity n° 53733 issued by CSQA Certifications).