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✔ Life Coaching: 10 useful tips to improve your Self-Esteem
✔ Coaching for Responsibility and Personal Change
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✔ Coaching and Intrinsic Motivation
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✔ Life Coaching: Self-Awareness, an exercise to start
✔ Inner Game, Coaching and Timothy Gallwey
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✔ How to make money with Coaching?
✔ Coaching and Mentoring - Decide if you can
✔ Love and Possessiveness - A doubt that undermines happiness
✔ Life Coaching: How to overcome the fear of loving and being loved
A training path useful to acquire, in short time and with the best Trainers, competencies necessary to work as a Professional Coach.
Coaches are Professionals who can manage and encourage Coaching relationships based on the improvement of performance and on the achievement of challenging goals. They are experts of human relationships, “searchers” of potentialities, Professionals prepared to accompany people to the achievement of challenging goals in personal, professional and sports areas. Coaches deal with people’s wellness, and their Coaching activity is based on one specific purpose: developing the “awareness of happiness”, mainly based on concepts of pleasure, positive emotions, satisfaction, serenity, success, autonomy and realization.
People often do not own what they desire, simply because they do not focus on their resources and on their potentialities. You will learn to guide yourself and accompany other people in the clear and precise discover of what they most desire to reach in their personal and professional life. You will receive all the instruments necessary to develop a winning attitude, to become mentally and emotionally stronger. More specifically, you will learn to:
What are the advantages?
Over years, training and being a Professional Coach has become an interesting opportunity of occupation and personal business. After the Course, Professional Coaches are able to manage individual and group Coaching sessions, from business to sports world, not forgetting Life Coaching, that is, Coaching addressed to people. Coaches receive the credentials to achieve the admission to the official register of the Associazione Coaching Italia association (organized in base of Law no.4/2013).
We have been working in the world of Coaching Training for over fifteen years. Our full-immersion course, unique in its kind (7 consecutive days) allows the very quick acquisition of technical and methodological knowledges, with no organizational or investment duties. The following 60 days of study, support, supervision and tutoring (carried out by the trainer, even online) allow to enhance the Coaching student’s competencies and to further study every subject. During the last years, we have trained different hundreds of Professionals working in the world of companies, show business, sports, politics, schools, Institutions, etc. This experience allows the transfert of competencies necessary to work in the world of Life, Business and Sport Coaching.
Coaching School study course has been realized for those who wish to professionally use Coaching. The high customization degree of our programs allows to receive every kind of people with a high level of education.
*subject to availability
ATTENTION: limited enrollment classes. The Course allows to receive the credentials needed to attain the Qualification by the Associazione Coaching Italia association (organized in accordance with Law no.4/2013). For further information or to be contacted by our staff, it is necessary to fill out the apposite form in this page.
Training Method It has been studied for every demand! Coaching School course follows the full-immersion path modality (7 consecutive days). The course is characterized by a period of training and further study of contents, carried out online. Such period has a duration of 60 days and it is characterized by the study of technical manuals, auto-training and tutoring provided by a Prometeo Coaching trainer. During this important period, trainers support Coaching students in the re-elaboration of the experience in class and in the development of technical, theoretical and experiential contents. Through direct experience on the job and through the trainer’s supervision, Coaching students arrive at the end of the course and may request to subscribe to the Associazione Coaching Italia association.
Certifications, Diplomas and Credentials Credentials are granted to everyone All the Coaches’ participations to the Course are recognized in accordance with the regulations in force and with laws of the Italian State. Business Coaching School has entirely adhered to the Associazione Coaching Italia association Code of Conduct and received the recognition of “Affiliated School”. The Associazione Coaching Italia association is the first trade Professional Association that, in accordance with Law no.4 January 14, 2013, deals with the recognition of Professional Coaches.
Prometeo Coaching study program and training procedure have been elaborated according to professional and ethic standards belonging to the most important national and international organisms.
Attendance qualification and all the certificates are edited in accordance with the laws of the Italian State.
Subscription professional Trade Association The most important Credentials. Thanks to the Associazione Coaching Italia association, it is possible to receive the qualification of Professional Coach, as well as the automatic admission to the “A.Co.I. Professional Coaches Register”.
Organization and Location For you, we only choose the best! In our Coaching School, every Coaching student is involved as the only protagonist: we believe in our service quality and in quality of relationships. Experience has taught us to consider our Customers’ satisfaction as the main possibility of success in this area. The number of students in our classes is limited to 25; we have the best Trainers and make use of the best hotel facilities and the best audiovisual equipments. We are highly committed to producing satisfaction, and our objective is offering a unique experience, made of involvement and care for details.
Costs and Investments Contact us now and choose the best opportunity. Our market leadership allows us to be the Coaching School offering Courses of major quality at favorable prices. Other interesting promotions are active in every moment of the year, allowing facilitated forms of adhesion. Need concrete examples? The Early Booking formula: it provides a discount up to 700 euros, based on subscription periods. Otherwise, the Advance formula allows to receive a discount up to 15% for multiple subscriptions.
All the opportunities related to the period can be requested in-depth at the TOLL-FREE NUMBER 800.087.300, or by leaving personal data in the apposite form on the right side of this page.
Payment Methods Decide the most comfortable conditions! It is possible to purchase our Coaching School with customized methods of payment, also divided into installments.
Immediately work as a Coach Become operative right away! Many new Coaches wonder how to access the world of Coaching and how to start their own Coaching professional activity. If you wish to work with us and be part of a cohesive and motivated group of Professionals, you can do it now! Entering the Prometeo Coaching® Network is very simple: from a practical point of view, you only have to call the toll-free number 800.087.300.
2016 Staff of Trainers
Competencies in order to learn how to manage Coaching relationships are transferred during the first phase of the Coaching School. First days of training are based on personal work, and they transfer the ability to create a trustworthy relationship in a mood of authenticity. Coaches learn to support the Customer in the individuation of the objectives of improvement, in a logic free of prescriptions and judgments. In a second phase, training aspires to structure specific skills useful to design Coaching paths in a context characterized by a precise professional identity and a rigorous modus operandi. In this phase, there is the direct practice of Coaching during which the professional experiences the relationship. The goal is to implement awareness and, at the same time, to receive a constructive feedback from trainers. The last phase is characterized by the total customization of the training process, and it is differently developed for every working group. Training experience is based on every Coach’s interest, need and request; it is useful in order to acquire a personal Coaching style.
Our best reference is represented by the quality of our relationship with all the Professional Coaches we have trained, and by the spirit of approval and support expressed by our Coaching students. For this reason, we want to grant to some people the possibility to tell their direct experience:
Lina Serra (Commercialist – Sassari) Participating to the Coaching School gave me the opportunity to grow up, overcome my blocks and learn to listen to people with no judging. I have learned to recognize my potentialities and managed to empathize with people. I think Angelo is a valid trainer, a competent and prepared person with the great ability to pass down his knowledge and his love for Coaching.
Gabriele Sola (Freelancer – Bergamo) I approached the Coaching School moved by my curiosity. Very soon, “method” became “experience”. I had the direct experience of the value of a unique course in recognizing the absolute centrality of the Coachee. I came out of this path enriched with Coaching social utility, in a historic period that is often clumsily accompanied by the word “crisis”. Angelo accompanied me through a path of sharing, along a “creative track” composed of his professionally and my development. He is a valid trainer and I think his didactic method is perfect. I hope my professional development in the world of Coaching may enrich with a professional and friendship relationship with him.
Daniela Dema (Entrepreneur – Zurich Switzerland) The School of Coaching is an experience that is recommended to any individual who want to improve in their personal and professional life. The welcome was out standing and the personal (teacher and receptionist) were wonderful, professional, helpful and in addition providing further advice outside their curriculum (teaching restriction). Angelo an expert orator who has great charisma and knows what he talks about. Surely, one of the greatest orators in Italy. We will surely meet again.
Verena Wagner (Entrepreneur – Frankfurt Germany) Training with Prometeo Coaching was an exceptional experience. I found a highly prepared and helpful staff. I think working with Angelo is a personal enrichment. Thanks to Prometeo Coaching course, I could really understand fundamental concepts such as: “listening, communication and relationship”. In the technical manual I found lots of definitions, as well as precise and concrete explanations. I have received precious instruments for both my personal development and my activity as a Professional Coach. Angelo is a very prepared personal who has the ability to transfer deep concepts with great lightness. I perceived a great desire to transfer teachings by working with him. I felt welcomed. I needed a positive experience and I found it thanks to Prometeo Coaching. 1000 Dank!
Marco Marra (Freelancer – Milan) Attending the Coaching School was a unique and unprecedented training experience. I learned to recognize potentialities in people, starting from mines. Prometeo Coaching staff proved to be not only professional, but also particularly welcoming. I personally feel the benefits of this course already. I am grateful to Prometeo Coaching for this extraordinary experience.
Sara Chen (Commercialist – Sassari) The Coaching School gave a turn to my life. I made a leap ahead; a great level up. I needed to understand myself, decide my road and define my goals. I have clear ideas today, my life smiles again, I am full of positive energy. Angelo gave me not only Coaching knowledge and instruments, but also an uncommon humanity. I am very happy and satisfied of his acquaintance.
Elena Stefania Valsecchi (Professional Coach – Varese) I have been working as a Professional Coach for some years. I decided to attend the Coaching school to verify the path I chose and my goals. I currently feel enriched and elevated to a greater level of awareness. I think of Angelo as a serious professional, really able to transfer his knowledges with altruism and respect. He is a wise partner, able to easily transfer his knowledges and competencies. Thanks!
Stefano Cavassa (Entrepreneur – Genoa) My instinct led me to the Prometeo Coaching Course. The group’s training and experience made me change my life, allowing me to discover lots of things about myself. Angelo and Nicoletta accompanied me in this beautiful journey to happiness.
Claudia Macchiella (Psychologist – Verona) I arrived at the Coaching School with the conviction to attend a course which would only give me competencies, but I discovered a new world. I can only compliment and be always grateful to Prometeo Coaching. I currently see the world with different eyes… I see a better world. The Sport Coaching School enriched me and undoubtedly improved my life. I feel to recommend this course even to those who do not desire to become Coaches.
Alessio Bolognesi (Student – Bologna) For me, becoming a Professional Coach was mainly a bet. Expectations have been met. My judgement for the course is highly positive, even because I had and unforgettable experience thanks to group work. Basis and Prometeo Coaching method are extraordinary; my work on positive emotional and on listening generated an incredible improvement in myself.
Francesco Muoio (Football Trainer – Milan) Attending the Coaching School opened my eyes! It gave me new courage, I have finally understood who I really am and what I wish to achieve in my life. I would repeat this experience and I recommend it to all of those who have not clarified their identity yet today. Prometeo Coaching put me back on track!
Filippo Guidotti (Freelancer and Volley Trainer – Modena) Nothing ever happens by chance. Meeting Prometeo Coaching staff was a stunning experience, and today I understand what my motivation and interest toward Coaching were. “Positive Thinking” has become my boat’s wheel. I am grateful to Prometeo Coaching because it allowed me to improve my life and my job.
Antonella Cabriolu (Trainer and Writer – Venice) Highly professional course, focused on solid theoretical basis and enriched with experiential contributions that made this training process involving and fascinating. High quality standards for every passage, studied in a perspective of didactic progression that has been well conjugated with the individual resources manifested by participants. Pleasant and motivating, mood was characterized by intense interactions, encouraged by a wise guide. I personally understood the difference between “working as a Coach” and “being a Coach”, from a perspective of loving care. A training course made of true excellence.
Astra Kurme (Slovenia) Pārsteidzoši efektīva metode, kas ļauj relatīvi ātri sasniegt rezultātus. Prometeo Coaching skolā apmācības process ir organizēts ļoti profesionāli – tas dod iespēju efektīvi apgūt profesionālās iemaņas, kā arī maksimāli koncentrēties uz pašu studentu personīgo izaugsmi. Skolas didaktiskais vadītājs Angelo Bonacci ir faktiski šīs metodes galvenais pārstāvis Itālijā, kurš vada kursu ar augstu intensitāti un dinamiku. A. Bonacci dziļās zināšanas psiholoģijā, filozofijā un praktiskā pieredze dod iespēju ne tikai dziļi izprast un pamatīgi apgūt metodoloģiju, bet arī novērtēt to eleganci, ar kādu viņš risina savu klientu identificētās problēmas un sasniedz uzstādītos mērķus.
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Servizi Professionali Certificati - Certified Professional Services - Prometeo Coaching provides Certified Coaching Projects and Services compliant with the UNI 11601:2024 Technical Standard (Certificate of Conformity n° 53733 issued by CSQA Certifications).